District Blitz 2024
We are excited to attend the District Blitz youth conference again this year!
This year's theme is "The Road" –
"Paul wrote a letter to the Church in Rome with a very specific map inside. The map isn’t hidden or secret. The map wasn’t even difficult to follow. Paul simply put to paper the truth - everyone has sinned, there’s a cost to that sin, and we can’t save ourselves on our own. Jesus’ death and resurrection is a gift that covers the cost of sin, and once we put our faith in Him – we don’t need to worry anymore. District Blitz is going to be all about Paul’s road map. Can we use his map? Can we take his direction, apply it to our personal walk, and make our way down the road?"
Cost: $140 per person.
Payable by cash or check made out to North Haven Church, or click the button below to pay online.
Lodging: Holiday Inn Downtown Duluth (218-722-1202)
Meals: Students should bring around $15-18 per meal for lunch and dinner (4 meals total). We will have breakfast at the hotel (cereal and oatmeal in our rooms).
We will leave North Haven Church at 4pm on Friday, April 19, and arrive back to North Haven Church around 3pm on Sunday, April 21.
This event is available for grades 6-12.
There will be additional paper forms to complete after the initial registration. Click the button below to download the forms, or ask Pastor Aaron for a paper copy.
Reach out to Pastor Aaron at (651) 376-3812 or aaron@northhavenchurch.org with any questions.