North Haven Church has many opportunities for adults and young adults to get plugged in. From small groups to Bible studies, Sunday morning gatherings to morning prayers. View these ministries below.
We also have many volunteer opportunities and bible studies going on throughout the year.
Weekly Morning Ministries
Sunday Morning
10:30am - Sermon Discussion Round Table:
Don Buckhout - Room 102
10:30am - Connecting the Dots through the New Testament: Gary Liaboe - MPR
Tuesday Mornings (every other week)
at 10:00am
Join the seniors for prayer, worship, and Bible study every other week.
For more information on our Morning Ministries, contact our Next Gen Pastor Aaron Kangas.

Men's Ministry
Resolute Small Groups
In Resolute Small Groups, men grow to be better husbands, fathers, and leaders.
For more information about Resolute Small Groups, contact Don Buckhout or watch the video below:
Monthly Prayer Breakfast
First Saturday of the month at 8am
Women's Ministry
Women's Bible Study
Beginning Monday, September16th, from 6:30 - 8:00 join in on the Womens Bible Study, faciliated by Carolyn Butler.
"Respectable Sins" is an invitation to come alongside author Jeffrey Bridges as he shares key teachings on accepting the sins we tolerate.

Sign up at the NHC info. desk to be part of this bible study to deepen your connection with Jesus.​​
For more information, contact Carolyn Butler